Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Wish

My Wishes for you (as well as myself) this New Year

May you tread lightly on the Earth

May you see the glass as half full

Know that others have it worse than your worst day

Commit random acts of kindness, so that you may receive them

Smile, even when you feel like crying

Scream when you feel like screaming

And know that tomorrow is yet another day, you have the power to choose how you will react to the day...choose to be happy

Last but not least...JUST BREATHE!

Out With The Old and In With The New

Whew! While 2011 wasn't as bad a year as I have experienced in my life, it certainly wasn't the best. Here's looking to what 2012 has in store for us!

On the crafting front I am still working on some test knitting for Kirsten Kapur of Through the Loops. I love her designs and have been thankful to be a test knitter for her over the past few years. I am a fan of test knitting. While I do enjoy the final product, sometimes it's the process of the test knit that I enjoy most. The past couple times I have test knit for her I have learned new techniques, which is always fun for me. This time it was the Latvian Braid!

Since this is work from 2011, it certainly cannot be my first project of the 2012 year. My first project will be the Mystery Sock 2012 KAL by Kirsten at Through the Loops. even though we have had our swatch patterns for a while now, I have not gotten around to that. Heck I just now, today picked some yarn out of my stash! :)

Here is my Project Page. The yarn is from A Piece of Vermont Yarn & Fiber. Colorway is Silver Lake. It is 434 yards of superwash merino, bamboo and nylon.

I am hoping to get my test knitting completed so I don't fall too terribly behind on the KAL. I have also decided to join in with some twitter knitters on knitting up on a scarf a long. Nothing like starting the year out with projects on your to do list!

The scarf is called the Ten O'Clock Scarf...for all of us who don't sit to knit until after everyone else is taken care of...sometime around or after 10 pm. ;) Of course I have not yet decided on a yarn for this one!

I hope to get around to updating my knit meter as well as my 2011 FOs in the side bar. I really would like to be able to update my lil blogitty blog more regularly in the new year.

Wishing everyone everywhere a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!!
See ya on the flip side!