Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Poor Neglected Crafty Blog

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth...yet.  I have been so unbelievably busy that it isn't even funny.  Life has been happening.  Teen Queen graduated High School and moved away to college, Boy Wonder is going strong in High School and Baseball, looking to go take his learner's permit soon.  Morris the fattest housecat is growing into a little old man.  In June our Lucy Binx the Chocolate Wonder Lab passed on.  So many other things have happened, of course I cannot possibly recall of it since my last log in, in FEBRUARY!  February for crying out loud.


After bringing Teen Queen to move in day in the middle of August, it was assumed that the next time we would see her would be for Thanksgiving Break.  A SUPER LONG time!  I have never been apart from my kids for very long.  Rambo, sure no problem...a year deployment here, another year deployment there.  But my KIDS?!?!?  NO WAY!

Thank goodness for FALL BALL.  She text me to say they were playing in Martin, TN on one Saturday.  A four hour drive for me, but heck I get to see her and get to see her play at the next level in her Softball career!  You know I made the drive!

In all this time I have been making crap.  Of course I forgot to document a few items on my Ravelry, here and there.  In any case, here ya go!  Let's see, in February I left off with the Baby Granny Stripe...

Since then, there has been a Teen Queen Granny Stripe (not pictured), a Crazy Clown Granny Stripe, Bed Side Rug, Fat Pillow, and a Wicked Bright Ripple Wave blanket.
                                                                    Crazy Clown

                                                                        Bedside Rug

                                                                        Fat Pillow

                                                             Wicked Bright Ripple Wave

Then it was time for Ravelympics  eh hem, pardon me...RAVELLENIC GAMES.  There was a big to do about the Olympic big wigs getting their under-roos in a wad over the use of Ravelympics and how it was too alike OLYMPICS...yaddah yaddah, blah blah blah. If you care to read about it you can find any number of articles here in this GOOGLE search.

My RAVELLENICS Projects consisted of; Wicked Poisonous Fruit Hat, Wicked Tsuga and Wicked Nice Sock.  For which I 'medal-ed' in various categories.  Categories are: Cable Steeplechase, Hat Dash, Sock Put, Shawl Sailing, Synchronized Stash Busting, and Single Skein Sprint.  It was all in good fun and I was happy to get out of my knitting funk I had fallen into.
                                                            Wicked Poisonous Fruit

Wicked Tsuga (not blocked)

Wicked Tsuga (blocked)

Wicked Nice Sock

Once I was done with Ravellenics, I was onto a sock knitting bender.  I knit up these 2 pairs of socks quickly.  After which I cast on for a HOT PINK pair of socks for my friend Susan's birthday present.  SHE LOVED THEM!!!  Of course I was in such a rush to get them washed and blocked that I completely forgot to take a photo of them.  *bummer*

I have just completed a scarf that was supposed to be a gift for one of Teen Queen's Magic Softball player friends.  She was coming home the same weekend as TQ and was going to swing by and pick her up and they would both come back home to the Ville together.  However, TQ's coach had other plans.  NON OPTIONAL PRACTICE.  So now,  I will be making the 12 round trip drive to bring TQ home for Fall Break Weekend.  However, the scarf is complete.  I will still give it to our intended recipient, she will love it!

Photo after it's washed and dried.  Currently OTN (on the needles for you non knitter types) is WURM.  a hat for a friend of a friend who has just been diagnosed with cancer.  My dear friend asked if I would make a hat.  I told her that I will make as many hats as she likes!