Apparently I have them, and apparently they would appreciate me updating my pathetic, way overlooked and forgotten little blog. Thanks for letting me know you care! :)
I have not fallen off the face of the Earth. I have not lost use of my hands. I have not gone off the grid.
I have been knitting. I have been taking loads of photos, both of crafts as well as the kids sporting events. I have been tending to said family, you know with it being summer and them being home full time and all. I even got a spiffy new digital SLR camera to take all the fun photos with!
The New
(more megapixels and more frames per second)
The Old
(still on hand and used often)
This evening I updated my WIPs and FOs for the year. It seems I have knit 3 miles less than last year. That could be due to not knitting socks for soldiers or lace shawls. Those lace shawls are quite the yardage!
Rather than listing them all one by one with photos I created a collage. For more detail I have linked the project name back to my projects page on Ravelry.
There is the Wicked Baby Hap, Gothic Rose Greenjeans, Blackbird Can-Cans, Wickedly Green Simple Things, Gothic Rose Ampersand Socks, Ampersand Crocus Edition, Secret Garden Socks, Slip Jig Socks, Lavendar Looby Loo, Test Knit Mitts, 10 Fave Dishrags, Wicked Waffle Lime Cloth, Lime Basket, and Swing Set Socks.
Here is a collage of the projects:
I *think* they are all in there.
I also updated the Blogs I Dig. Since I am no longer using bloglines, I entered them manually. Not as awful as I would have thought. The reason for the switch; my BlackBerry doesn't seem to play nice with Google Reader it is! Oh how I do love my BlackBerry!!!
The school year ended *finally* June 1st. It's hard to believe that they only have about 3-4 weeks left before they go back!
Teen Queen finished out her Sophomore Year. Her High School Softball Team went 34-4 for the regular season. They kicked ass! She was awarded for Best Offensive Player and Toughest Player for the 2010 season. Her summer competitive team has been playing their asses off as well. This year we have played numerous college showcases and expos. It is a good way to get the girls seen by potential colleges and universities...ideally for scholarship offers! This being the start of her Junior year; this is the year to promote her and find a school that she not only wants to play for, but that she also wants to attend for her education.
Boy Wonder is entering his last and final year of Middle School this fall. He played for his school team, but the coaches were less than ideal. You know it is bad when a kid who has loved baseball since he could toddle says "that's it, I am done". The head coach was more concerned about how they looked taking the field than teaching the kids the fundamentals of the game. Then he had the nerve to tell the kids how he was embarrassed to be their coach and how they were the worst in the league. He also played recreation baseball. He played up a level with the big boys and never thought twice about it. Sure he was smaller in height, sure he was in middle school and the majority of them were in high never mattered one bit. Boy Wonder held his own like a champ. He often batted 4-6 and was able to hit to the outfield without issue. It was a proud moment for me when I saw him catching for one of the high school pitchers. It was awesome watching my boy throw a runner out at second base at this level. Boy Wonder has aspirations to one day play in the Major League. We look forward to that!
Scary to think next year 2011-2012 I will have a Freshman and a Senior! *gasp*
Well I guess that's enough of an update; for now. Stay cool and keep your flesh from burning off ya in this hot summer season. I will be in the a/c or under my umbrelly at the ballpark!
I love your pictures and the great blog post :) Glad I could help you along. Before I forget here is the link to learn to mobile blog, super easy. Just put in the email addy they give you into your phone address book and your good to go. And I think there email for posting pics.Here is the link..
let me know if you like it..
Senior and a kindergartener here in this crazy house. I love the greenjeans sweater!
Great work on all those projects! And I love the colours that you chose for each of them. :)
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