Thursday, October 27, 2011


Why is it that time flies by faster the older one gets? I swear it cannot be the end of OCTOBER already. The weather has been wonky to say the very least. We have days in the high 80's this month. It's supposed to be AUTUMN. 80's is not fall temps in my book. We have also had days in the 40's with frost at night. Again, where is my autumn weather? It seems it is one extreme to the next around here. I am stubborn and refuse to turn the heat on. I am not quite ready for those electric bills.

The school year is whizzing by at the speed of light for the kids as well. Teen Queen has been applying to colleges and for scholarships. It seems like just yesterday she was skipping around sing the Winnie The Pooh songs and bouncing like Tigger through the house!

At the end of the day, I just hope that everything works out in the end, and that's all I can do. We have what matters in life and what makes us complete and that is love. It doesn't pay the bills, but it's worth so much more. We have each other, we have our awesome kids and we keep our little family unit tight. People have mentioned how close our kids appear and how lucky we are to have such a close little family. We have our health, and we laugh A LOT. Come on, with a life like this one you have to have a sense of humor.

Sarcastic humor and a hobby is what helps to keep me SOMEWHAT sane.

The Isabella with the huge armholes is sitting in a project bag. Until I figure out something to remedy it or just give up and rip the whole thing out; this is where it will remain. I just cannot bring myself to frogging it yet.

On a happy crafting note I did complete a scarf. It was kind of by accident. It started with wanting to make some granny squares for the fun of it. I wanted some instant gratification. I crochet pretty quickly. In a week I had over 12 squares. What to do with them? I figured I would make a scarf. Used a pattern for the squares, but found nothing I liked on how to connect them. In my mind, I wanted it to have a lattice like appearance. It really was a couple evenings of try it,, don’t like it, frog it. I did that for two nights and finally I came up with something that I liked. Curling was the biggest issue I had which is why it took a couple tries to find the perfect join/edge.

My favorite latest item is my Drop Dead Sexy Vlad Shawlette! The yarn is from the Blue Moon Rockin Sock Club 2011 latest mailing. I had started a pair of socks with the yarn. However, by the time I got to the heel flap, I decided that it was too pretty to be way down by my feet and I had to have it up by my face! Vlad was perfect!

Just the NAME of the colorway is awesome!

VLAD beginning.

VLAD complete, but not blocked.

VLAD blocking. Just look at those points! *SWOON*

Next up is a pair of socks for Rambo and a commissioned pair of fingerless mitts with a flip top.


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